Google Scholar Citations

Google Scholar has added another feature…Citations. Just go to the following link: and enter in the information and you can start collecting your publications on your profile. If you have written under multiple names, be sure to search for all of them as some may not automatically populate. I was able to find five of my articles right away. I believe there is a feature to add in publications and even link to them, but I haven’t done much searching yet.

You can make your citation profile public or private and even add a photo, website, etc. You can list your connections (universities for example), email address, and research interests. What a great way to connect to people! Another cool feature is linking up with your co-authors.

This seems to be more reliable than some of the other indexes some people use to record citations. I verified all of my citations by downloading the articles and reading away. It was fun to see how people cited my work and in what context!

Google does have the disclaimer: Dates and citation counts are estimated and are determined automatically by a computer program. Just double check to make sure they really are and you are good to go. What a great thing to add to a vita, dossier, or even your annual review!


Margaret Mohr-Schroeder – Google Scholar Citations.

Day 4 See Blue STEM Camp Recap

I think today was the best day of camp yet.  It was exciting to see the kids mastering LEGO robotics in the Green City Challenge.  Many of the groups have completed the first 5 challenges and only have one challenge remaining to complete.  Tomorrow there will be the final competition and the students will be scored for their complete run.
Our presentation today was by Dr. Robin Cooper from the Biology Department.  The students visited the laboratory and were able to work with crayfish, fruit flies, and fruit fly larvae.  They monitored behaviors of these organisms and recorded their results as a group.  There were some good discussions that took place about why different organisms react differently to the same stimuli.  Check out all the pictures of the students in the lab!
Pictures have been updated on the website. Check out the videos below to see the kids in action!

Day 3 See Blue STEM Camp

We had another wonderful day and the weather was great as well.  We were able to view the sun today through the clear sky thanks to Dr. Knauer bringing over his telescope during lunch.  We got out on campus and walked to the Minining and Mineral Resources Building for this viewing.
For our daily presentation Dr. Christa Jackson worked on spatial reasoning through several activities.  She had the students blindly draw pictures based on their partner’s directions, make a 3-dimensional object from several 2-dimensional pictures, and design a bridge out of limited materials and  describe their design to their classmates.  We had lots of great bridge designs out of straws and pipe cleaners.
In LEGO the students worked on the first three challenges for the Green City board.  This involved closing a dam and also raising a new clean energy smoke stack.  The students had to build upon their previous days work to program the robot to complete all of these tasks.
Tomorrow robotics will get more difficult in terms of challenges.  The students will have to navigate around objects in order to complete their tasks.  Dr. Robin Cooper from the Biology Department will be presenting on neurobiology in crayfish.  The students will be visiting his lab and working with his graduate students tomorrow.  We’ll be sure to take a lot of pictures!

Day 2 STEM Camp 2012 Recap

We had another fun, enjoyable day today.  The weather was much better and we had a great presentation from Dr. Bruce Walcott in the College of Engineering.  The students worked on engineering design and worked in pairs to build motors.  He finished his session off with a trip to the Environmental Engineering building and a tour of some of its neat features.  I am jealous as I haven’t been able to get over there myself!
In robotics the students worked on programming the robot to move forward in the “close shave” challenge in which then need to shave a lego placed at a given distance.  They also programmed for the maze in which the robot must follow a maze to end up in a box.  The challenge is they must program it forward and backward.
The weather forecast looks good for tomorrow at noon, so we are trying to work in a short visit to the observatory for a daytime viewing.  Dr. Christa Jackson will be working with the students tomorrow on 3-dimensional figures and spatial reasoning.  She does a great job of transitioning between 2-dimensional drawings and 3-dimensional models.  In robotics they will be starting the Green City Challenge.  They will take all they have learned and program the robot to complete many challenges on the board.  Each has a point value and it will culminate in a competition on Friday.